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Scale your impact across yourself, your team, and your wider organization.

Top Leaders trust The CEO Strategy for the practical tools they need to be effective, lead in their industry, and have the impact they aspire to create.

Executive Coaching

People who are world-class use coaches. Why? Good coaching leverages a valuable outside perspective to help us become observers of ourselves. By becoming observers of our own behavior, we can start to identify ways we can be better.

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Management Training

Shifting from individual contribution to managing a team requires two very different skill sets. We coach new managers and directors so they can thrive in their new role.

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Leadership Development

Strong leaders successfully make the transition from being a ceiling for their organization to a multiplier. We develop multipliers.

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Here are just a few ways our coaching helps our clients:


Shift from Confusion to Clarity:

By developing your own refined decision-making approach, you will learn to prioritize and what to say no to. Get your time and energy back to focus on what is truly mission-critical.


Shift from Reactive to Proactive:

Get off the bench and into the arena to play an active role in the success of your career, your team, and your organization’s mission.


Shift from Hesitation to Action:

Effective leaders take their strategy and translate it into action to achieve the impact they strive for.

Benefits Image


Trusted by world-class leaders

Trusted by world-class leaders

  • “I started working with Max in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Max worked with me directly to slash our burn from $80k/month to less than $40k/month while simultaneously assisting with a $300k bridge round. Max also helped us identify and serve key industry customers to unlock 4 and 5-figure deals while building out our new business development playbook. He also coached me through leadership transitions that helped re-align my business in a stronger direction. Max is a coach that you will want in your corner."

    Bob Shufflebarger

    CEO of TriAltus Bioscience

  • "It's really hard to justify paying for "soft"-seeming things as a cash-strapped founder. I went back and calculated my ROI for one of Max’s coaching programs using $250/hour as my rate and opportunity cost. I've already (in less than 3 months post-program completion) seen about a 4x in return. As I onboard my EA (using Max's tips and guidance), I expect this return to increase. The thing that pushed me over the edge to pay for and participate in their coaching program was meeting-lateness; I'd slipped into a pattern of being late to meetings, which makes me feel terrible and disrespectful to others. Max promised that this would be part of the programming. He delivered - I've been on-time/early to 90% of meetings since starting the Conscious Founders program. I'm also holding myself and my colleagues accountable for doing things on time through Impeccable Agreements."

    Connie Bowen

    General Partner of Farmhand Ventures

  • "My experience with executive coaching under Max's guidance has been transformative. With Max's help, my team restructured our approach to meetings and objectives, and the impact was two-fold. My team's productivity increased to get more work done while spending less time in meetings. Max's coaching emphasized the importance of clear communication as an almost ubiquitous theme, which has fostered a more open and constructive environment within my team. During our time together, I have also honed my skills in giving and receiving feedback, which my team and I now view as a gift instead of with a sense of dread. Overall, my executive coaching experience has been deeply rewarding, providing me with the tools and confidence to lead more effectively and contribute to the success of my organization."

    Jonathan Putman

    Director of Applications at Exum Instruments

  • “I have been able to work with Max for the past few months while enduring an interview process for a dream job of mine. Over the course of these few months, Max has helped me identify my specific goals and a dynamic plan to reach them! Max's coaching and resources enabled me to feel confident throughout my interview process and ultimately led me to earn the position. The best part of working with Max has been the growth I have experienced regarding my sense of value and organization. The general overwhelming feelings that comes with starting a new role and trying to figure out how to make an impact are not weighing on me. Max's coaching has prepared me with a realistic plan for making an immediate and intentional difference on day one!”

    Therese Pitman

    Assistant Director of Leadership Development at the University of Pittsburgh

  • "As an early-stage CPG entrepreneur, I am constantly pitching my business. But at the end of the day, I always come back worrying if my message came across clearly. Are the products I talk about resonating well with my audience? Am I sharing enough detail? I had a pitch with Fresh Direct coming up, so I reached out to Max for coaching. Max not only helped me streamline the pitch, but he helped me look at my business in a different way that would be far more effective, empowering, and results-oriented. After my pitch with Fresh Direct, I left feeling like my products and presentation quite floored them. And I was right! I'm now partnered with Fresh Direct and am grateful for Max's coaching. I feel much more prepared for future pitches to showcase my brand and win strategic partnerships."

    Suniti Ramanujam

    Founder of Pure Mitti

  • “As a new business owner, I had so many questions ranging from minute and detailed to overarching and complex. Max Polec was referred to me by a friend and he instantly gave me helpful and actionable advice from our first chat. Max does not have a cynical bone in his body. His empathy and listening ability are two of his top qualities. He's not trying to sell you anything, he's genuinely trying to help you succeed. I watched my discussions with him steadily grow along with my business. He has been one of, if not the most helpful coach I've had during my launch process. I highly recommend his services to anyone.”

    Justin Russell

    Agency Owner of Digital Philly & Ranked Legal

  • “Entrepreneurs have a million and one responsibilities every single day. However, we often lack the strategy needed to complete these tasks efficiently. This is where Max really shined and helped elevate my company. Max's strategetic planning and organizational skills are second to none. Initially, when we began working with Max, we knew he possessed a strong goal-setting and KPI process. However, what blew my mind was that Max was really passionate about helping us achieve our goals. Throughout my career, I have worked with many business professionals, however, Max is in a league of his own. Not only will he be an incredible asset to your business but he will also help you grow as a leader.”

    Tyshawn Bryant

    CEO of Green Regimen

  • “Between working a full-time job and growing my business on the side, I had trouble prioritizing my time. Max’s coaching has helped me zero in on what truly matters, ditch what doesn’t, and experiment with exciting ideas to grow my business. Since we started working together, Max has helped me eliminate roadblocks and get legitimate results for clients! I could not recommend him more.”

    Tyler O’Shea

    Editor of Joker Mag

  • “As a strong business coach, Max has the remarkable ability to break complex projects into easy actionable items that quickly move the needle toward substantial measured results. Max was extremely dedicated to my company’s success and exceptional at helping me maximize my resources and plan effectively to ultimately make things happen. I would highly recommend Max’s expertise and services to any company seeking to scale.”

    Andrea Kirkland

    Owner of Culinary Med Ed

  • “Max led an executive coaching program for a business accelerator I was a part of. He introduced helpful frameworks to improve strategic planning, communication, and task prioritization. He is an excellent listener and asks the right questions to get to the bottom of issues. Once the problem has been identified he has the knowledge and tools to help leaders overcome the obstacle. I strongly recommend Max to anyone looking for a coach to help them get to the next level.”

    Louis Mennel

    CEO of Carbon Compost

Meet Your Coach

Max Polec

Max Polec

Max has 10+ years of experience in startups and business where his background was in growth strategy, operations, and talent development.

Since Max started as an executive coach, he has worked with 300+ leaders across both the for-profit and non-profit sectors spanning most industries.

Max is an ICF-certified coach. The International Coaching Federation acts as the gold-standard globally for coaching.

Max is a certified Executive Coach through the Center for Executive Coaching.

If you’d like to learn more about what inspired Max to become a coach, check out his story here.


How it works

Ready to get started? Here's an overview of our onboarding process:

Intro Call

We’ll have an intro call to gauge if we are a good fit.

Goal Planning

After confirming fit, we discuss your goals and their impact. I partner with action-oriented leaders, aiming for a 10X ROI in our coaching journey.

Start Coaching Engagement

We'll use your goals as our guide, starting with recurring coaching calls in a typical 6-month engagement.

Evolve Coaching Engagement

 As we achieve wins and run into new challenges, we will evolve the topics we focus on together to best serve you and your goals.

Intro Call

We’ll have an intro call to gauge if we are a good fit.

Goal Planning

After confirming fit, we discuss your goals and their impact. I partner with action-oriented leaders, aiming for a 10X ROI in our coaching journey.

Start Coaching Engagement

We'll use your goals as our guide, starting with recurring coaching calls in a typical 6-month engagement.

Evolve Coaching Engagement

 As we achieve wins and run into new challenges, we will evolve the topics we focus on together to best serve you and your goals.

Coaching is confidential. I adhere to the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) Code of Ethics.

If you believe coaching may be cost-prohibitive, please reach out. I have offerings for early leaders and hold pro bono coaching calls monthly.

Pricing is monthly, not by session. Life happens and I am always happy to reschedule with 24 hours notice.

I’m willing to travel for client work and am happy to discuss logistics.

Coaching Practice Guidelines

Contact Us

Scale your impact across yourself, your team, and your wider organization.

Have any questions? We’ve got answers

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

What is Coaching?

People who are world-class use coaches. Why?

One of the reasons for this is that no athlete or performer, however skilled, can watch themselves while they’re playing the game. One of the coach’s jobs is to watch the players and give feedback while the game is unfolding. Often, the coach and player will even go back to the locker room when the game is over and look at the game tape together. In those sessions, you’re likely to hear a coach saying, “Hey, you notice you did that?” or “Are you seeing this pattern?” or “What’s another choice you could’ve made there?” or “Next time, what do you want to try?”

Good coaching leverages a valuable outside perspective to help us become observers of ourselves. By becoming observers of our own behavior, we can start to identify ways we can be better.

This level of self-inquiry is the starting point. Good coaching also focuses on movement. Coaching is used as a vehicle to get you to where you want to go. This could be getting from:

  • Stuck to Unstuck
  • Confusion to Clarity
  • Hesitation to Action
  • Managing to Leading

How do I get the most out of Coaching?

The clients who get the most out of coaching prepare for our sessions. I recommend blocking off 15 minutes before each session to reflect on what’s worth updating me on and to pick 1-2 items you’d like to dig into. Ask yourself, “What would be most helpful to come away with at the end of my session today?”

What are the differences between advising, consulting, mentoring, cheerleading, and coaching?

Advising - Advisors ask questions upfront to frame the problem. They focus on getting you the answer as they have it or will find it for you. Advisors are experts in their fields and provide professional, technical advice on a well-defined problem.

Consulting - Consultants are very similar to advisors and take the above definition one step further. Consultants typically also help with implementation or doing the thing. For example, a consultant may not only advise on which CRM to use, but manage the setup, implementation, onboarding, and handoff of that chosen CRM.

Mentoring - Mentors share their experiences hoping you will find value in their storytelling and lessons learned. Mentors have been in your shoes and can share knowledge, insights, and guidance that applies to your path.

Cheerleading - Cheerleaders just support you. They believe you have the answer, won’t question nor challenge you, and cheer from the sidelines.

Coaching - Coaches ask challenging questions to help you discover the answer. An ideal coaching arrangement helps you maximize your performance. You’re in control and choose what actions to take moving forward. Coaches offer:

  • A confidential and judgment-free zone where you can broaden your thinking and develop transformational insights
  • Options in the form of frameworks and tools you can use to make smarter, better decisions

How is coaching different from therapy?

The Mochary Method does an incredible job breaking down the differences between coaching and therapy. I will share their answer below:


  • Forward-looking
  • Designing the future, imagining possibilities
  • Building things
  • Focused on insight and action
  • Helps us move into high performance


  • Backward-looking
  • Digging and analyzing
  • Focused on understanding and fixing
  • Helps us move out of dysfunction